Lost Negative Space

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Problem 2 - Shaping the sacred ...

I guess one very simple approach to this could be to shape some letters in clay, say "LIFE", let it build up like growing up from the ground, then, somehow make it go away again, as to watch it die ... (somewhat like Elisas piece that has an even more direct and real form of life in it ...) 

This approach would at least be doable in the relative short time we have for it, and even though I would like to have a much more 'intellectual' or 'smart' answer to this assignment, I can always live with this one ... 

One way to add a little spice to it, could be to do the whole thing in the street, and then let it disappear by letting cars run over it ... or maybe not ...

When I was thinking of sacred, I thought of a tribe I learned about in an anthropology class. They were called the Trobriands (from the Trobriand Islands, where they were made famous with the help of the polish anthropologist Borislaw Malinowsky, who were forced to stay there for a longer period of time, two years I think, because of the outbreak of WW1, but that is another story ...) These people had a sacred place. Namely cave on the Island they believe is the origin of their ancestors ... This, I guess, would be much the same as Christian religion, and other religions, as in what is seen upon as sacred. As I mentioned in class, I am not religious, so I haven't thought of anything in my life as 'sacred'. That is not to say that I don't think of things in my life as important, or 'very important', and some things will always be 'sacred' even though you haven't labeled it as such. I mean, it all depends on how you define sacred. As I check the dictionary now, it actually states it as 'connected with God', which was pretty much the way I interpreted it as well. The problem with words, and definitions, are as always, they can mean different things, to different people. Is there such a thing as 'more sacred'? I don't think so, but listening to the discussion in class, I felt that that could be the case for some. In that case then, to me, the word 'sacred' looses its meaning ... 

Anyways, one can agree upon definitions and meanings of words in the discourse of smaller groups and settings as well, I just feel it is important to be aware of the differences people can have towards special words and definitions, since we all have different backgrounds, be it cultural, political or religious.

I do feel, though, that it is very useful to think about what it is that is 'sacred' for one self, and why that is ... 


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